Responsibilities of the Governing Body:

The Governing Body is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school, agreeing policies and ensuring that sufficient resources are available. Governors undertake specialist governor training to ensure that they are competent in all aspects of governance. The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

The Governors meet as a full body three times a year. In addition, a number of sub-committees meet on a regular basis including; Finance & Premises, Teaching & Standards and Ethos.

Governors aim to visit the school regularly and meet with subject and key stage leaders to focus on areas for development as identified in the school’s SEF (Self Evaluation Form) and gather evidence that informs judgements regarding progress, achievement and any areas of concern which may need to be addressed.


Constitution of the Governing Body:

Foundation Governors: 6 (+ 2 additional vacancies to be filled in due course) 
Parent Governors: 2
LEA Governors: 1
Co-opted Governors: 1
Staff Governors: 1
Headteacher: 1


Publication of Governor Information

Current sub-committee membership


Governing Body Members:

  • Mrs Sarah Chessis – Foundation

    It is an honour to be appointed as a governor. As a former pupil and parent to two young children
    currently at the school, I want to see the school achieve its full potential and continue to grow.

    I want to work to ensure that WIJPS is at the heart of, and works in harmony with, the local Jewish
    community. It is important that all children get the best education possible, in a safe and welcoming
    environment, whilst still upholding the Jewish ethos of the school.

    I have been a primary school teacher at a school in Redbridge for 14 years, where I currently lead
    Lower Key Stage 2 and Maths. I look forward to using this experience to help with a range of aspects
    within the school and I to be able to assist in whatever way possible.

  • Mr Wayne Cohen – Parent

    It is an absolute privilege to have joined the WIJPS Governing Body.

    Our son recently started in WIJPS’ reception, and from the moment I stepped into the
    school, I was blown away by its warmth and welcoming atmosphere. The sense of
    community and care is truly inspiring.

    I feel incredibly passionate about WIJPS and am excited to contribute to its continued
    success. I look forward to supporting the school, working alongside the Governing Body, and
    seeing WIJPS thrive throughout my child’s journey here and beyond.

  • Mrs Carly Conway – Parent

    Hello, my name is Carly Conway. I have two daughters at WIJPS, one in Year 5 and one in Year 2, and I dearly adore the school and its ethos. I’m interested in supporting both the educational side but the children’s welfare and ensuring that every child matters. I’m honoured to be part of the Governing Body and feel my knowledge in education from the past 11 years, and my marketing knowledge from the 4 years prior to that, will really help support the school, along with rest of the Governing Body.

  • Mrs Deborah Epstein – Foundation

    I am honoured to have been appointed a Foundation Governor in 2023. As a parent of two current
    pupils in the school I am committed to the school’s ethos and educational provision.

    I am a qualified Social Worker with just under 15 years’ experience in the field of Mental Health in
    the NHS. My current roles include being  a Team Manager of a mental health service, and recently as
    a Project Manager setting up a new Maternal Mental Health Service across North East London. My
    career has given me transferable skills in people and risk management; service delivery; funding bid
    processes, and co-production, whilst helping me provide a wider systemic overview to a situation or

    The emotional well-being of both pupils and staff is vital to the school’s ongoing development. As
    part of the governing body I am eager to to help propel the school through the current social
    challenges created post-covid into a sustainable school that is prepared to meet those challenges,
    and to help it remain at the heart of the local community.

  • Mr Joshua Fineman – Foundation

    I am privileged to have been appointed as a Foundation Governor of WIJPS. My wife went to IJPS, and our three children are at various stages along their journey through the school.

    I am passionate about ensuring the School continues to provide high quality education to all children, maintains its proud Jewish ethos and remains a vibrant part of our local community, welcoming to all who enter.

    I am solicitor by profession, specialising in litigation. I often undertake significant project management work. I am well-versed in overseeing multiple moving parts and working alongside others in the development and delivery of a plan of action, and I look forward to putting these attributes to good use and working alongside my fellow governors for the benefit of WIJPS and all of its pupils.

    It is vital that we always strive to ensure our children are given every opportunity to achieve the very best of their potential, and I am delighted to be a part of that.

  • Mr Joshua Gladstein (Foundation)

    It is a privilege to have joined the WIJPS Governing Body. I am a former pupil of the school, as is my wife. Our son is now part of WIJPS’ preschool and our other son will be following suit. I look forward to supporting the school and seeing it thrive for the duration of their school journeys and beyond.

    The second I saw the school I was blown away by the warmth and feel of WIJPS. I feel so passionately about the school and will use this passion, together with my personal experience and skillset within the retail world, with a budgeting and customer service background, to support the governing body as best I can.

  • Mrs Deborah Harris – Staff

    I have proudly been teaching Jewish Studies at WIJPS for 22 years and have been Jewish Studies Lead since 2008.  Prior to joining the school, I worked for the United Synagogue’s Agency for Jewish Education, assisting with the training of Jewish Studies teachers and producing resources for the Jewish Studies classroom.  Both my children were pupils at WIJPS, and so I have been involved with the school since my eldest joined some 26 years ago.

    WIJPS holds a very special place in my heart.  It is a school with a proud Jewish ethos and my commitment and passion is stronger than ever.  I value the precious opportunity to be a part of our children’s lives, helping to shape their futures, and I am excited to be working with the Governing Body to strengthen WIJPS’s status within in the local community.

  • Mr Daniel Hunter – Foundation (Chair)

    It is a privilege to have been appointed as a Governor in 2022.  As a former pupil and parent to three children – two currently attending WIJPS and one future pupil – I have a long-standing connection with the school and a strong interest in its continued success.

    I am committed to ensuring that WIJPS maximises opportunities for all children, with the continued advancement of educational standards, coupled with its proud Jewish ethos, a welcoming environment and outstanding facilities.

    I serve in a senior corporate development role at a global technology company, and as a board observer at several start-ups, with experience in investment banking, governance and strategy.  I hope to utilise some of what I have learnt in my professional career to benefit the school, particularly around financial sustainability.  More broadly, I look forward to working with other Governors / WIJPS’ senior leadership and helping in any way that I can.

  • Dr Emma Lautman – Local Education Authority Governor

    I have worked in central government for a number of years, spending the last six in a variety of policy and corporate roles at the Department for Education. Prior to that, I completed my PhD which explored the way the school system adapted to the changing circumstances of children during the Second World War. I have a longstanding professional and personal interest in the role played by schools in providing young people with enriching and high-quality educational experiences. I’m excited to be part of the WIJPS Governing Body and am committed to supporting the school to continue to flourish and deliver for all pupils.

    My daughter is currently attending the pre-school.

  • Mr Ben Saltman – Foundation (Vice Chair)

    A former pupil of the school (as is my wife), I haven’t moved far from my roots – I now have 4 children in the school. When my eldest joined the school, I was asked to join the Governing Body. I was appointed Chair in June 2014 and am also a member of the Teaching and Standards, Ethos, Admissions and Pupil Disciplinary Committees.   I’m interested in the welfare of the children and the school and am prepared to give my time and effort when required, having a positive impact on the future generation. I have been able to use my knowledge from my working profession as an Asset Management Surveyor, helping to solve problems, engaging with a variety of people in different professions and backgrounds, to progress ‎matters, reaching a successful conclusion. These skills are easily transferrable into my role as a governor.

  • Mr Daniel Seymour (Foundation)

    It is an honour to support the WIJPS community as a governor. As an ex-teacher, I spent 15 years in secondary education, working at various levels, inclusive of leadership. The majority of my career was as a Faculty lead for PE, heading large teams of teachers within London settings. My original background in education enabled me to develop strong beliefs surrounding the purpose of education. For me, this is about providing an accessible, wholesome and enjoyable learning experience, in which our young people develop the skills, and are equipped with the confidence to succeed. This is coupled with the strong ethos of the school. My wife and her siblings attended WIJPS, whilst both of our families and siblings attended King Solomon High. For me, it is special to both see my own children attend and be immersed in this environment, but also provide me the opportunity to attempt to add value to the amazing work that takes place here, every day.

    As I left education, I decided to re-train and create businesses in Energy efficiency and property management. However, this certainly does not mean that I have lost my passion for education! I am still actively an examiner for Pearson. I also direct a local youth football club, enabling me to continue to give back, educate and continue my passions. The ethos of this fantastic school, and its community is what led me to ensure that the positive experiences I had within formal and informal Jewish education, should be continued with my children. I look forward to supporting the school’s journey in protecting and growing these values.

  • Mr Barry Soraff – Co-opted

    I joined WIJPS as a governor during 2014 having myself attended the school between 1977 and 1982. I still live and work in the local area and have been a partner in a firm of accountants since 1999 during which time I have worked closely with hundreds of organisations, businesses and individuals across the country helping them with their financial and commercial affairs. I help manage the school’s finances and ensure that the school is able to operate on a sound financial footing.

  • Rabbi Sufrin - Foundation

    I am delighted to join the governing body of our school, with the specific role of Rabbinic Governor.

    I have lived and worked together with my wife, Mrs Sufrin, in the wider Ilford area for some 40 years as the senior Rabbi of Chabad across Essex.  We are both no stranger to the school. In fact, we have both taught here at different times in our communal life. I was a Jewish studies teacher in the old school in Carlton Drive for two full academic years. Mrs Sufrin taught on and off for some 30 years. It is for this combined reason, amongst others, that I am delighted to take on this role.

    As a governor, my ear will always be open to the leadership, teaching and auxiliary staff at the school, and you, the parent body, our most important stakeholders. You are the ones that entrust your children into the care of our staff at the school.

    A child will learn best when they are happy and content. It is our earnest desire as a member of the governing body together with the entire dedicated staff, supported by our parent body, to build on decades of achieving excellence in education, producing happy, fulfilled students. I hope and pray that I can play my part to the fullest.

  • Mr Jonathan West (Associate Governor – Non-Voting)

    I have a long association with WIJPS, including involvement in the rebuilding of the school at its current site. The Governing Body has invited me to serve as an Associate Governor, and I am delighted to provide assistance to the school when required, particularly in matters relating to legal and property topics. I am currently Director of Legal Affairs, Property and Procurement at Jewish Care and an experienced solicitor.

  • Mrs Lisa West -  Headteacher

    My journey at WIJPS began as a Learning Support Assistant to a pupil in Year 2, some 13 years ago. I then retrained to become a class teacher and moved up to the role of Deputy Headteacher a few years later. My three children have been through the school and I feel that my heart is at WIJPS and the WIJPS community is my community.

    It has been my pleasure to serve on the school’s Governing Body for several years as an invitee and I have been an active member of the Teaching and Learning Committee and of the Ethos Committee. As the previous Designated Safeguarding Lead and Assessment Lead, I have supported Governors to understand the fast-changing landscape in which we operate.

    Now as Headteacher, I will endeavour to continue to support the Governors in their knowledge and understanding of the school, its curriculum, assessment procedures and the challenges we face. I am excited at the prospect of being an integral part of the school’s next chapter and of all of the positive opportunities that we have at WIJPS.